

The seeds are sprouting!!! Part of me can't believe it worked, and then the other part of me can't believe I was so silly to think it might not work.

In four small pots I planted a few seeds each of Brussel sprouts, broccoli, Anaheim peppers and cucumbers (one plant per pot). I was checking their progress daily, actually a few times a day. After two days I was already discouraged. "What's wrong with them, Andrew? Should I check them? What if something happened down there!?" As he often does, Andrew assured me there was nothing to worry about. "Relax, it takes time." Then, on day 3, out of nowhere came a small green sprout in the second pot. "WE HAVE BROCCOLI!!!" I think I followed it with a "Woo hoo!" or something to that effect. It was really fascinating to see this happen. Maybe I am just easily entertained but seeing the change from a pot of dirt to a broccoli sprout was really miraculous. Kind of like when I saw my first ultrasound. First I was simply a young woman, then all of a sudden I had this living thing sprouting inside of me.

Yes, I just compared myself to a pot of dirt, and my son to a stalk of broccoli.

I think you know what I am trying to say, though. Life is a miracle, in all of its forms. We go from one to two in the blink of an eye. And before you know it we are a side dish for a family of four, or, more likely, we become that family of four. People, broccoli, we're all the same really.

Okay, okay. Enough philosophizing.

Today is the day that we construct the borders of our second garden. I don't think I have explained the reason why we have to use these borders. We have two small dogs that hang out in the backyard sometimes and these boards will keep them from getting into our garden. Hopefully. Pictures will be posted soon of our new plot and our sprouts! Oh yea I got so distracted by my observations of life that I forgot to mention that the day after the broccoli, the Brussel sprouts popped up, and today the cucumber plant arrived. But I have a feeling I will always be partial to the broccoli. ;)

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